The sloppy month of March is half over already and the first signs of spring are in the air. It's time for thoughts to turn to from ice fishing to turkey hunting. Now is a great time to beat the March doldrums by heading out to do some early season scouting. But remember that if you actually locate birds they may not be there at the end of April when our Southern Ontario turkey season opens. Birds often move as much as two to three miles from their winter roosts to mating and nesting habitat.
What you're looking for right now is that prime nesting habitat; don't be as concerned about where the birds are as you are with where they're likely to be at the end of next month. Look for a stand of mature hardwoods that blend with large clearings or open fields. This will provide ideal protection, food, and roosts for spring gobblers. Pay attention to natural and man-made obstacles like creeks, dense undercover, and fences, that are likely to stop even a determined gobbler dead in his tracks.
Take your GPS along and mark all likely setups and obstacles. Later you can transfer that data to a topographical map of the area and get a good idea of the overall lay of the land. If you stumble across a likely looking bush or field try to find the owner and ask permission to hunt his land this spring. If you gain nothing else you'll beat the winter doldrums by getting out in the bush and filling your lungs with some great Southern Ontario fresh air.
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